2019年12月9日 星期一


沉默行為量表(Silence Behavior Scale,簡稱SBS),意指個體在工作時對於企業或組織想表達自身的建議或觀點,卻因某些緣故而隱藏自己真實的想法或觀點。Tangirala & Ramanujam (2008)提出沉默行為量表,修改Dyne, Ang, & Botero (2003)提出的員工心聲量表。我國學者李銳、淩文輇、柳士順(2012)翻譯中文版本,總共為5個條目。

將受試者感受、反應及認同程度為評定指標,採用六點量表級分方法。其標準為“1” 表示從不;“2”表示偶爾;“3” 表示有時;“4”表示經常;“5”表示總是;“6”表示非常頻繁。
1.  當我對工作產生憂慮時,我選擇了保持沉默。。
2.  儘管我有可以改善單位工作的想法或建議,但我並沒有提出來。。
3.  當我擁有的資訊能有助於防止單位裡的問題發生時,我保持了沉默。。
4.  對於我所注意到的單位中潛在的問題,我沒有告訴其他人。。
5.  面對單位裡影響工作效率的現象,我選擇了沉默而未發表意見。。

1.  Dyne, L. V., Ang, S., & Botero, I. C. (2003). Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Multidimensional Constructs. Journal of Management Studies, 40(6), 1359-1392.
2.  Tangirala, S., & Ramanujam, R. (2008). Employee silence on critical work issuesthe cross level effects of procedural justice climate. Personnel psychology, 61(1), 37-68.
3.  李銳、淩文輇、柳士順(2012)。組織心理所有權的前因與後果:基於“人-境互動”的視角。心理學報,44(9)1202-1216


The Effect of Psychological Capital and Organizational Support on Innovational Behavior and Silence Behavior of Technical Innovation Personnel in Strategic Emerging Industry
Yunchun, Y., & Quan, L. (2002) 
American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 6(6), 732–740.
KeywordPsychological Capital  Organizational Support  Innovational Behavior  Silence Behavior
AbstractChinese strategic emerging industry has been developed rapidly in recent years. As the important guarantee and intellectual support required in the development of this kind industry, enterprise technology innovation talents have become the most significant strength to promote the enterprise technology and industry progress. Therefore, how to guide and motivate their creativity ability at the most extent has come to be a vital scientific question. In order to search for the improvement path to such employees' innovation ability, the current study mainly investigated the effect of both psychological capital and organizational support on innovation and silence behavior within technical innovation personnel. Through the regression analysis of 350 questionnaires, our results showed that both psychological capital and organizational support had worthy negative effect on their silence behavior and positive effect on their innovation behavior, respectively; meanwhile, psychological capital and organizational support showed interaction effect to both innovation and silence behavior within technical innovation personnel. According to our results, in order to better motivate employees' innovation ability, corporations should take supportive policies and improve employees' psychological capital.

Employee silence on critical work issues: The cross level effects of procedural justice climate
Subrahmaniam, T., & Rangaraj, R.(2008)
Personnel Psychology, 61, 37–68

AbstractThis study examined the cross-level effects of procedural justice climate on employee silence—that is, the intentional withholding of critical work-related information by employees from their workgroup members. In a survey-based study of 606 nurses nested within 30 workgroups, we found that procedural justice climate moderated the effects of individual level antecedents of employee silence. Specifically, when procedural justice climate was higher, the effects of antecedents that inhibit employee silence (e.g., workgroup identification, professional commitment) were stronger. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

