2019年3月17日 星期日

抑鬱、焦慮和壓力量表DASS-21(Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21,簡稱DASS-21)

抑鬱、焦慮和壓力量表(Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21,簡稱DASS-21), 由Clark Watson(1991)提出,焦慮和抑鬱的情緒通常又是壓力的一種外在表現形式,抑鬱、焦慮與壓力的三因數模型,而Lovibond (1995)針對該三因數模型編制抑鬱-焦慮-壓力量表(DASS-42),用於評定成人抑鬱、焦慮和壓力狀況,而Antony (1995)修正後 的精簡版為DASS-21,總共21題,研究物件擴大到兒童、青少年及老年人。此量表因具有簡單易行、新穎獨特、操作快速等特點,已被翻譯成多種語言在世界各國進行研究與應用。

一、 抑鬱(Depression) :抑鬱常因生活中的壓力而產生,例如:失去快樂、健康狀況不好、睡眠品質不好,影響工作或正常生活能力變差,工作能力下降可能造成績效不好導致失去工作機會,如此累積而成的情緒即為抑鬱。

二、 焦慮(Anxiety) :是個人的自我感受,多數人從小到大或多或少普遍會出現的情緒反應,焦慮會讓人感到不確定與心中莫名的害怕。
三、 壓力(Stress):壓力是個人與環境中人、事、物的一種特別關係,個人生活中因應生活環境不斷的改變,在適應環境變遷時生理與心理情緒上所產生的負向的主觀意識。

把受試者各種誘發負向情緒狀態的程度作為評定指標,採用4點量表級分方法。其標準為“1” 表示不符合;“2”表有時符合;“3”表示常常符合;“4”表示總是符合,得分越高表示抑鬱、焦慮和壓力指數越高。

一、「抑鬱」 (Depression) 構面裡,包含7個題目。
1.        我好像一點都沒有感覺到任何愉快、舒暢。
2.        我感到很難主動去開始工作。
3.        我覺得自己對不久的將來沒有什麼可期盼的。
4.        我感到憂鬱沮喪。
5.        我對任何事情都不能產生熱情。
6.        我覺得自己不怎麼配做人。
7.        我感到生命毫無意義。
二、「焦慮」(Anxiety) 構面裡,包含7個題目。
1.        我感到口乾舌燥。
2.        我感到呼吸困難(例如:氣喘或透不過氣來)。
3.        我感到顫抖(例如,手抖)。
4.        我擔心一些可能讓自己恐慌或出醜的場合。
5.        我感到快要崩潰了。
6.        即使在沒有明顯的體力活動時,我也感到心律不正常。
7.        我無緣無故地感到害怕。
三、「壓力」(Stress) 構面裡,包含7個題目。
1.        我覺得很難讓自己安靜下來。
2.        我對事情往往做出過敏反應。
3.        我覺得自己消耗了很多精力。
4.        我感到忐忑不安。
5.        我感到很難放鬆自己。
6.        我無法容忍任何阻礙我繼續工作的事情。
7.        我發覺自己很容易被觸怒。

1.          Clark, L. A., & Watson, D. (1991). Tripartite model of anxiety and depression: Psychometric evidence and taxonomic implications. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100, 316-336.
2.          Lovibond, P. F., & Lovibond, S. H. (1995). The structure of negative emotional states: Comparison of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) with the Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories. Behaviour research and therapy, 33(3), 335-343. 
3.          Antony, M., Bieling, P. J., Cox, B. J., & Enns, M. W. (1998). Psychometric properties of the 42-item and 21-item versions of the depression anxiety stress scales in clinical groups and community a sample. Psychological Assessment, 10, 176-181.
4.          龔栩、謝熹瑤、徐蕊、羅躍嘉 (2010)。抑鬱-焦慮-壓力量表簡體中文版(DASS-21)在中國大學生中的測試報告。中國臨川心理學雜誌,18(4)443-446


吳麗娟、陳淑芬 (2006)
教育心理學報, 38(2), 85-104
關鍵字:主觀生活壓力;身心健康;國中生;獨處能力;junior high school studentsthe ability to be alonesubjective life stressmental health

摘要:本研究的目的是在了解國中生(1)獨處相關概念與獨處能力的關係;(2)主觀生活壓力與身心健康的關係;(3)獨處能力與身心健康的關係;(4)主觀生活壓力、獨處能力與身心健康的關係;(5)獨處能力對於主觀生活壓力、身心健康的調節作用。本研究以台北市五所國中一至三年級共818 位學生為研究對象,所使用的工具包括:「生活壓力量表」、「一般健康量表」、「獨處能力量表」。本研究的主要發現如下:(1)國中生生活壓力、身心健康之間有顯著關係。(2)國中生獨處能力、身心健康之間有顯著關係。(3)國中生主觀生活壓力、獨處能力與身心健康之間有顯著關係。(4)獨處能力對於主觀生活壓力、身心健康有微調作用。本研究結果支持獨處能力有益身心健康的說法,並顯示獨處能力能減緩生活壓力對身心健康的衝擊。最後,研究者提出建議以作為輔導工作實務及未來研究的參考。

Data Center Optical Interconnect with Software Defined Networking
Yang, H., & Zhang, J. (2016)
Journal of Internet Technology, 17(7), 1461 – 1469.
KeywordData centerSoftware defined networkOpenFlowOptical interconnect

Abstract Data center is a promising infrastructure to carry the big data created by cloud computing and Internet of things. Due to the high burstiness and high-bandwidth characteristics of data center services, the data center can be interconnected by optical network to make use of the computing and storage resources and meet the high-level requirement of users, which forms two typical scenarios in terms of intra-data center and inter-data center optical network. However, in current mode of operation, the control of data center and optical network is separately deployed. Enabling even a limited interworking among this separated control systems and delay feature don't provide a mechanism to exchange resource information. In light of it, this paper proposes a novel data center optical interconnect (DCOI) architecture with software defined networking, by introducing a delay-aware service scheduling (DaSS) strategy. The DCOI can arrange and accommodate the data center applications with required QoS considering the delay factor, and enhance the responsiveness to quickly provide for data center demand. The feasibility and efficiency of the proposed architecture are experimentally verified on our testbed with OpenFlow-based intra-data center and interdata center optical networks.

Design and Implementation of Service Discovery Architecture Based on Multi-Agent Systems in an Ad-Hoc Environment-For the Observing and Recording System
Yang, F. C., Chang, C. H., Chang, C. L. (2007)
Journal of Computers, 18(1), P71 - 88
Keywordmulti-agent systemAgent SocietyFIPA SpecificationsPASSI MethodologyJXTA

Abstract Since the mobile device characters features in motion while traditional information services are unable to meet demands of the mobile environment, this study therefore proposes a ”multi-agent architecture-a DASS (Distributed Agent-based Service Sharing)-with the purpose to design and implement a service sharing architecture using the autonomy and communication abilities of agents, to actively discover services to mediate among shared services, so as to allocate and manage the distributed service. The system development process follows PASSI (a Process for Agent Societies Specification and Implementation) methodology to form “multi-agent society” models. System development of this study is carried out on the agent middleware platform, JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework); substantial contributions are: (1) Establishment of service-sharing System by using the agent technology that uses a single window for communicating with other agents; (2) the system framework and the service discovery template accomplished in this study enable the developers to promptly configure service-sharing applications; (3) inheriting the abstractive service search mechanism of FIPA (The Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents), this System has increased compatibilities with other systems; and using the existing JXTA based service discovery architecture to implement service distribution and search on the agent platform resolves difficulties in accessing peer to peer services in the Ad-Hoc network; (4) the System sets up mediation models for service-sharing according to agent communication language set up with (defined by) FIPA standards, and sets up communication ontology for service-sharing, therefore in the communication process, it is easy to understand intentions of each other without the need of particular understanding of the vocabulary and syntax used by each other; this substantially simplifies communication problems between heterogeneous agents.

